Instead of different words, however, we're stuck with simple adjectives. Close friend. Best friend. Childhood friend. Intimate friend. Trusted friend. Beloved friend. But whether you use adjectives or different words, few could deny the nearly infinite meaning in such a simple word.
Friends are special people. We can't pick our family, and we're sorely limited in the number of them at any rate. Society and mores (and often our own conscience) dictate we select a single mate. But our friends can be as diverse and infinite as the adjectives we choose. Our friends, in a very real sense, reflect the choices we make in life.
Right now, I'm missing two of the most important people in my life, Erin and Lat. :(
Erin has been away to Dubai for almost 6 months now. Though Lat's still here, we haven't been spending much time together due to our hectic schedules. GOD! How I miss them both so so much!! There's so much to update and talk about.
I especially miss the late night coffee and supper sessions,the crazy party nights,impulsive shopping sprees and mostly, our holidays together. Sometimes I get so bored to death without this two women!
Its different sometimes when your heart yearns for the companionship of my beautiful bebots! Am counting down the days to dec 29th when Erin's coming back. and hopefully she'll be able to make it for our upcoming trip to Bali! I'm sure we'll definitely have a blast :)
"I love you two chicas!"
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