For example, I board the bus 27 everyday weekday morning to get to work and it is always jam-packed with commuters. Naturally, some people get the luxury of a seat while others have to stand through out the whole journey.
Those standing scans the ones sitting with sharp eyes of a hawk, hunting for the next available seats. Once somebody gets off his/her seat, a struggle-and-shoving match ensues to see who will emerge the victor and obviously, to the victor goes the spoils. Some people will not even move to the back of the bus because they know who gets off at what stop, so they'll stand infront of the poor fellow till he/she is about to alight.
And another example.

All Hail, The Mighty Tissue Packets!
I used my camera phone to take this picture when my boyfriend and I were having dinner at FOOD CULTURE at Century Square. We were given the unique opportunity to behold this typical and blatant Singaporean quirk.
Mind you, the people who used those tissue packets were working adults of decent or high education.
Tsk. Terribly, horribly, horendously ugly.
Hello =D