Thursday, March 19, 2009

cos' i am

Sometimes I think I'm crazy. No, it's not the crazy you have in mind. Trust me, I've been called crazy one too many times. Nevertheless, I haven't really thought about that word. What does it mean when someone calls you crazy and actually being crazy? And who actually has the right in this world to create rules about life and how to live life? If mistakes are bound to happen, why should we be punished in the first place? Why should we have leaders when we care so much about equality? Why have concerts like Live Earth when people actually litter at the vacinity itself? Why bother talking about world peace when war has never stopped, even for a second? What makes you think the world is going to last forever when pieces of land are sinking every single day? Why should you bother taking care of your health when you know you're going to die anyway? Why should we build relationships when we're going to leave this earth alone?

My mother just came into my room and called me weird.
Maybe I am weird. Maybe I am crazy. Well, who is and who isn't?
Who actually has the final say?

Psychologists, therapists, random strangers?

Well, have we forgotten that they are just human beings who make mistakes too?

Now you tell me.

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