Monday, August 31, 2009


The past makes you who you are today. All those cuts and bruises you suffered have turned into scars. Those of which are perfectly permanent. All those places you have been are constant reminders of everything good and bad. All those people you met have changed your life. Sometimes for better, sometimes for the worse. It changes the way you perceive others. It changes your future connections. Some of them you will meet for the first time, some of them you have not met for a very long time. It changes the way you trust people. It changes the way you think about them. It changes the way you feel about them. It changes the way you feel about yourself. Sometimes the past changes you for the better. Sometimes it changes you for the worse. Sometimes the past makes you more receptive. Sometimes the past makes you more defensive. Sometimes you wish you can change the past when things turned out wrong. Sometimes you have to take it in your stride, no matter how great or troubling things can get. Sometimes you wish you could run to the future because the present keeps reminding you of the past. Sometimes I wish you would understand why I am like this. Sometimes I wish you would at least try to see things through my eyes even though you have not walked a mile in my shoes. I don't want the same things to happen to you too. Because I don't want to see you hurt, as much as I've been hurt. I don't want to hurt you. But sometimes you hurt me and I'll end up hurting myself. And we'll end up hurting each other. The past is something which I can never erase. It makes me who I am today. All these wounds have healed but my scars will exist perpetually. Sometimes I wish your touch could erase these marks that have been left. But they still surround me, on every part of my body. Sometimes I wish you could embrace these scars and accept me for who I am. Accept me for my past and why I am a changed person. And that change is not necessarily a bad thing. I need you to help me with the present and make me look forward to the future. I certainly do not want to be reminded of my past. Howbeit, some places, people, and things just remind me of them. It's not that I want to. But they come and go without my control. I need you to protect me from these external influences. I need you to be the security for my insecurities. I need you to be there for me. I need you to not give up. I need you to stop blaming me for things that are beyond my control. Most of all, I need you to understand. To understand that we are different in different ways. And try your best to accept that.
And I'm afraid to say that I can't speak to you till you at least try.
Because I know I'm trying my best too.

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