Thursday, April 23, 2009

already gone.

We can fall a million times and still not learn. We can almost drown but still we don't avoid dangerous waters. We get hurt but we still rush headlong towards the person that is the source of pain. Won't we ever learn? We all wanna be happy but to what extent do we owe our happiness to? Is it calculated by the number of times we get hurt plus the number of times our hearts get trampled on and then divided by the number of times we held our hopes high in the hopes that it will get better multiplied by the number of times that it does get better? Is that the recipe for happiness? Or is that the recipe for disaster?

You tell me.

Maybe being happy is not about having everything in your life be perfect. Maybe its about stringing together all the little things , making them count more than the bad stuff. Or maybe we just get through it, and that's all that we can ask for.

I want to put together all the little things, the imperfect things.

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