Okay, so he might slip into my dreams (or nightmares!) every once in a while. And I may still wonder how he's doing -- or if he's already got a new girl by his side. Well, how can I tell if I'm over and done with?
• I have no desire to kiss him just one last time.
• I'm ready to start doing the things I did before we got together. Doing yoga in the middle of the living room floor, having all-night gabfests with my girls...you know, the things that always drove him crazy. Good thing he's not around to whine about it!
• I've stopped checking his Myspace or Facebook profile -_-
• He's got a new girl on his arm, and all I can think is, "So what?" I've been that girl, and I know what she's in for. I've seen all of his emotional baggage -- heck, I even carried it around for a while -- and I don't envy her. She can have him!
• I wouldn't think twice about rekindling the love. No matter how much he begged, apologized or stood outside of my window in the rain blasting my favorite song while holding a radio over his head...I'm sooo done.
• I still talk to my friends about him.
• I can't remember why we broke up (yeah right!). But I'm pretty sure it's forgivable.
Sheesh. I guess this is normal.
Okay, it's your turn to spill.
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