Sunday, December 28, 2008

a beautiful mess.

The end of the year brings a strange kind of exhaustion my way, though I can feel things start to improve pretty late in the day. I just need a day to recover from all the crazy business of the past few weeks!


Girls night should be a break from the norm, but when it's the same routine every week, the excitement dies out and the sanctity of girls night is challenged! I'm dreading the same ol' trip to the local club -- and if I hear "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" one more time, I'm swearing off ladies night for eternity.

However last night was pure fun. Myself and my girls practically rocked Movida's dancefloor. Salsa,baby! (:

Next, New Year's eve! ((:

"Sometimes a girl wants nothing more than to feel unapologetically pretty."


I believe you and I were created as one, before even our consciousness was created. I believe we were torn apart and strewn, and love, as you know it, as I understand it, is the act of picking up the pieces, finding each other, and trying to fit ourselves together. I know this because the blood in your eyes matches the pain deep in mine. I have not found peace; I fight to win because what you see is all that I have.

I've been broken. But don't you see that we are all broken in some way, waiting for someone to find us and fix us? I expose my scars to you because you are my best friend, and best friends deserve to know how I feel about my father leaving, or my first disillusionment of love in the face of disloyalty, or the resentment that builds up from needing to fight harder than others because the world was not built upon virtues of fairness. I want forever, and I want it with you. I had fought so hard and so long that I had forgotten what it felt like to be disarmed. All that you had discovered is all that I have.
We know it is never that simple.
Allow me this revealing thought: You and I were created as one. And love, as I understand it, is finding you and loving you with all my heart.
what a beautiful thought.

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