Thursday, November 8, 2012


I guess I'm now pretty much infamous for going on an extended hiatus every so often. One would think that after being missing for so long I'd have a slew of stories that just begs to be shared with you. I'm gonna bring those hopes up short and serve you some disappointment cos  really, there isn't much happening in my life. There's only a nagging sense of...monotony?..tedium?...that, as hard as I might, couldn't shake free from. Whoever coined the saying "live day by day", I share my sincerest sympathies with you.

But on a happier note, it's countdown to dearest girlfriend Dila's wedding. It has been a one tough ride and I am so proud of you!

My sunkisses and raindrops. 
No distance of place or lapse of time can lessen
the friendship of those who are throughout
persuaded of each others worth.

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