Venomous words and fatal wounds are deadly weapons of massive destruction. Looks can be deceiving but don't cross your fingers just yet. Never ever judge a book by its cover because you'll never know what lurks in between the pages. Everyone has a limit to everything. Their patience, tolerance and also self control.
This world is full of complications and complicated people. You try so hard to be someone that you want others to like, that you end up losing yourself in the process. Then why do they tell us to be ourselves when in actual fact, all we are doing is being someone that we aren't? We are so afraid of people not liking us for who we are that we cover our true selves with a mask and go around pretending to be someone else. And why is it okay for people to tell us that they don't like our behavior/personality and tell us that if we don't change, people won't like us?
Aren't you supposed to accept people for who they are? Flaws and all? Isn't it obvious that everyone is different and being different is not wrong? And who makes up these cookie cut rules? Is it someone whose beyond perfection? I highly doubt so. No one is beyond perfection because all of us are human and we all make mistakes at some point in our lives although our egos refuse to admit it. Do you realize that the word 'Imperfect', broken down, is actually 'I'm perfect'? If imperfect can turn to perfect, why can't it be vice versa? The "perfect" can also turn imperfect right? So if the line between imperfection and perfection is blurred, who says anyone has the right to call the shots? All of us are flawed in someway, so stop pointing fingers and start facing the mirrors.
Questions and insecurities will definitely run deep. There are things that should never be asked or even thought about. Some things are really just better left unsaid. So to speak. You can try so hard to erase those questions but they keep running at the back of your mind like clockwork. The more you refuse to think about it, the more you do. The utter irony of it all just makes it all even more frustrating. How do you erase doubts and replace them with trust? Does it take time and understanding, or time and patience? Trust is never a given, but earned. How do you earn someone's trust? And how do you trust someone? To what extent do you realize that you have trusted someone 100%? What are the signs that you have trusted someone fully? And why is it that even when you have trusted someone 100%, you still have your doubts and insecurities surfacing? Where does this all end?
I shall let you be your own source of entertainment if it let's you sleep better at night.
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