Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Swissport Singapore pulls out of Changi Airport.

At the start of a new journey every step is a mystery. Where am I going? Who will walk with me? How will I get there? These questions are all part of the excitement and mystery. The challenge is to just keep going.

In spite of the uncertainty.

In spite of the unknown.

In spite of the fear.

I sat in the comfort of my office desk and looked out. My eyes followed the furnishes and colleagues. And in the calm of the morning my heart broke. BT has been our footpath and here we left our footprints. 3 whole years of turmoil, of shedding tears, sweat and blood to entice the smooth operations of incoming and outgoing flights 24 hours a day. The war we frontiered during cancellations and delays. The friendship we made throughout the journey. Of the cussing and patting of each others' backs when we made it through the challenges. Everything, will be deeply etched in my heart.

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