Monday, February 11, 2008

dwell dreams

3 years has passed since the initial embarkation of my career. I'm so proud of myself! Through my HARD WORK and PERSEVERANCE, i am finally on top.
NO,not by sucking balls you dickheads! Yes, it saddens me how narrow minded people can be at times. Or perhaps they're just sore losers. Competiton is all around especially in the airline indusrty. You'll see girls bitching at one another just to get themselves noticed by others. When the management are around only will they be showing to the world that THEY and only THEY are working.
BUT,this path does not stops here! Now its time I start climbing a new mountain and prove to myself that I can be much more than who I actually am. Who knows, 5 years down the road I'll be the next manager!
Maybe I'm focusing too much on my career? But i've to be realistic. At these times, women are advancing more than men! And with the high cost of living here,people are barely surviving. And this brings us to an important goal I have and want to achieve. I've always wanted to adopt a child, perhaps from Africa,Russia or any third world country kids that deserves the happiness that they should get. I wanna pamper them like how I pamper myself or my siblings, give them an education. Simply said,provide a roof on top of their heads. Observing the kids here, how rude and unappreciative they are disgusts me! Yes you've been provided well but hey! where is your respect to other fellow human beings??!! pfft!
One thing I know, where I am today has proved an example to my younger siblings that they too can be someone succesful. I'm so proud of their results!
And I couldn't ask for more :)

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